Organise and discover your private knowledge

State-of-the-art natural language understanding applied to your private team knowledge to make it accessible.

Knotes Platform

Collaborate with your team to store your knowledge in bitesize chunks that are easy to read and share. Semafind knowledge bases are intended to be short factual sentences (knotes) and are indexed using natural language models. Each piece knowledge can be extended with further descriptions and attachments.

Semantic Search

The knotes platform comes integrated with semantic search so you can start using state-of-the-art models right away.

Semantic Explore

Discover relevant information using neural network based semantic indexing with ease.

Your private knowledge

At the core of Semafind is knowledge. We designed Semafind to store and organise information in the form of short natural language sentences. We call these knotes (knowledge notes).

Imagine you're in a rush and you need to quickly tell your colleague that "The team stand up is at 11am every morning." That phrase would be a knote. You can:

Version history

Clearly track how your knowledge has evolved over time with up to 30 days of version history:

Modern and dark theme ready

We designed Semafind to look modern and up-to-date with industry best practices. It is light-weight, quick and responsive to different screen sizes.

Semafind also comes with an elegant dark theme. The platform automically picks up your browser preferences to adjust the theme and offer a coherent look across the platform.

Get started for free

Start with a free account to store and search your own personal knowledge now. We also offer two paid subscriptions for companies and teams that require collaboration and more capacity.